Friday, September 21, 2007

Federalism and Failing Test Scores

We've spent most of the week discussing the concept of Federalism and its effects on American government, expecially when it comes to "hot" topics like education, illegal immigration, and gay marriage.

HOMEWORK: Read We The People lessons 18 & 22, Woll reader pp 72-79; RETURN your WTP book for bonus points and REWRITE your essay to recover points lost on Exam 1

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Exam One

Your first exam will be Friday--we will use class time tomorrow to continue our review of the testing format, strategies, and content.

WEEKEND HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 3 in your textbook (American Government: Continuity and Change). Take notes--quiz on Monday!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Federalist and Anti-Federalists Debate

Your homework tonight is significant, because without it we cannot have a fair fight in class.
Federalists--read Woll 54-58, WTP 87-91; take notes and prepare to argue
Anti-Federalists--read Woll 58-61, WTP 84-87; take notes

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Constitutional Convention

Our debates today in class mirror the debates held by the founding fathers as they developed a better plan for the government of the United States. I was really impressed by your abilities to listen, argue, and make connections. The analogy of government to the school was AWESOME! We will extend that analogy more in class as we compare/contrast these forms of government.

HOMEWORK: Read textbook pp 43-65, WTP 60-67
**HINT** there will be a quiz, and you can always use your notes on quizzes...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Articles of Confederation

Before the call for a new government, the independent States of America worked together under a confederal system, guided by the Articles of Confederation. In your textbook, read pp 41-43, and pages 54-59 in WTP. Create a chart that lists the strengths and weaknessed of American government under the Articles of Confederation.