Thursday, August 30, 2007

Revolutionary Beginnings

It amazes me that no one has posted yet on this blog...oh well, at least you can check your homework. We've spent the week learning about the reasons why the American colonies began to resist and rebel against the British government. We should get through the first national governments, and the need to call a Constitutional Convention.

You get to spend the next 5 days reading about the Constitution.
Homework: 1. Read the Consitution (CC 68-94) and create a one page visual aide/graphic organizer/mini-poster/Constitution for Dummies cheat sheet--if you give me an outline, you get 1/2 credit--this assignment should reflect some thought, creativity, and invention.
2. Read pp 10-40 in the Woll reader (small book)--for each article, identify the thesis and 5 supporting ideas/evidence for the claim (thesis).

Have fun! We will discuss the readings in class on cannot participate in the discussion (i.e. get a grade for class) without having completed the homework

Any questions??? POST!!!


BlueEyedGirl91 said...
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BlueEyedGirl91 said...

Could I do a poster as my graohic organizer?


Maddy said...

Dude Mrs. R! this is a freaking huge assignment! and for us creatively-challenged people it sucks!!!!!!!

mrsrussoniello said...

:( It wasn't that bad if you followed directions. I wasn't askinf for a masterpiece, simply a more visual way of looking at a sophisticated, complex document.