Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Please Pass the Pork

What exactly is pork (besides a delicious, carnivourous delicacy)? Define pork barrell spending and log rolling. Find examples of pork and log rolling. What's wrong with pork? Isn't a form of "enlightened self-interest"?

Once someone has defined the terms, only add to those definitions, or provide additional examples.

And what exactly are some of the standing committees on congress? What do they do? Who is on them? What committees do our senators (John McCain and John Kyl) sit on? Do they hold any leadership positions?


Anonymous said...

pork barrel- government spending for projects that are intended primarily to benefit particular constituents.

constituent is one who can or does appoint or elect.

Logrolling-the trading of favors; indicates a more-or-less equal exchange or substitution of goods or services.

pork: $6 million to upgrade the two-block long Senate subway.
$350,000 to renovate the House Beauty Salon.
$250,000 to study TV lighting in the Senate meeting rooms.
$130,000 for a Congressional video-conferencing project.

log: Local projects such as Federally funded dams, bridges, highways, housing projects, VA hospitals, job-training centers, military bases and the like are often pushed through by logrolling.

standing comittee's of california:
Banking, Finance and Insurance
Budget and Fiscal Review
Business, Professions and Economic Development
Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments
Energy, Utilities and Communications
Environmental Quality
Food and Agriculture
Governmental Organization
Human Services
Labor and Industrial Relations
Legislative Ethics
Local Government
Natural Resources and Water
Public Employees and Retirement
Public Safety
Revenue and Taxation
Transportation and Housing
Veterans Affairs

what they do: they catigorically take care of that sector of what is going on in the state.

who is in them:
that states senate.

john McCain: is involved in the armed forces standing comittee and he is the ranking represenative.

john kyle: part of the judiciary committee where he holds the chair.

that is truly all i got
christen valentine

Anonymous said...

Slow clap for Christen, anyone? Holy Crap! Way to go!

I don't really have anything to add, as of yet, but I might later. This is just me applauding the ridiculously phenomenal answer. She even cited her sources! I'm in awe...

Anonymous said...

Pork: Besides a mouth watering meat that i want to smother with BBQ sauce? Money spent on local projects to gain popularity among voters.

Pork Barrels: Porky Pigs worst nightmare.

Pork Barrel Spending: Attaching the cost of local projects to other legislation to get it passed.

Rolling Logs: The next great Redneck sport

Log Rolling: Exchange of support between congressmen (I scratch your back you scratch mine)

There's nothing wrong with pork. Its the other white meat.

Anonymous said...

first of all thank you lindsey.~.^
second nicely put preston i actually got mixed up between the actual government and the funny stuff.
i think that thier is nothing wrong with pork to a certaint extent, but when it comes to taking the money from constituents because they want to use it rather than need it... that's when it goes bad to me. how much of this really goes on? do we know when it goes on? for what dot they even take the money? i mean the government has roughly $2,650 billion= federal funds alone. where does that go? and what exactly is a logrolling? (expound on definition)

Anonymous said...

We still need to know how much senators and reps make? Do they get raises for each term re-elected?

Christen included standing committees for the California senate, not for US Congress. So what are our national congressional standing committees?

BTW-Jon Kyl is aslo the Republican's party assistant whip

Anonymous said...

well i dont believe theres anything to really add because of the phenomenal answers for both preston and
they pretty much sumed it all up.........
